Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind

Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of MankindBy Graham Hancock.
Published by The Disinformation Company, Ltd, New York, 2006. Click to Buy this book!


Supernatural is the 12th book of Graham Hancock (British, b. 1950) and according to the back jacket, five of his previous books, including Fingerprints of the Gods and Underworld: Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age, were bestsellers. Supernatural, however, is very controversial and may not have met with similar success. It is 710 pages in length and includes six parts: The Visions, The Caves, The Beings, The Codes, The Religions, and The Mysteries, as well as three Appendices, extensive Notes and References, and the Index. The book includes many valuable illustrations and photographs of newly discovered cave art from Upper Paleolithic Europe and southern Africa (10,000 to 40,000 years ago), as well as some beautiful and intriguing color reproductions of paintings by the Peruvian shaman Pablo Amaringo that depict his Ayahuasca visions. Strangely, several of these paintings include aliens and UFOs.

Graham Hancock is undoubtedly a gifted writer and a bold, original thinker. His life experiences have encompassed world travel and exploration toward research that delves into the deepest imaginable mysteries. The successes of his books have no doubt contributed to his adventurous and courageous pursuit of independent agendas and points of view that are not answerable to a vocation or profession. Thus he is in a position to challenge “the unruly prehistorians” of “The Shabby Academy” of our time, meaning the authorities within the higher educational institutions. His incredibly rich and rewarding life also includes his faithful partner and wife, Santha Faiia, who is a professional photographer, and their six children.

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Dedicated to the Spirit of Franz Brentano (1838-1917)

Franz Brentano

Franz Brentano

“Those who knew Franz Brentano, even if only through his work, saw him as representing modern man, struggling with the riddle of the universe … he was first and foremost a thinker, one who did not allow his thinking to wander at random … Franz Brentano himself estimated that his work on psychology would fill five volumes, but only the first volume was published. It is fully understandable to someone who knew him well why no subsequent volumes appeared … In order to find answers to the questions facing him after the completion of the first volume of Psychology he needed spiritual knowledge. But spiritual science he could not accept and, as he was above all an honest man, he abandoned writing the subsequent volumes. The venture came to a full stop and thus remains a fragment.” — Rudolf Steiner, from Aspects of Human Evolution, Lecture Five, 1917.


Now I See … is a page and an opportunity for Anthroposophists to present reviews of non-anthroposophical books in such categories as non-fiction, scholastic or academic, history, science, biography, autobiography, and the paranormal.  The books do not need to be current or recently published, and most should raise the disturbing question as to why Rudolf Steiner’s name — or Anthroposophy or Spiritual Science — is not included in the index and in the contents, and when the absence of these resources or answers is felt to be something of an acute or tragic loss, or at the very least as a serious omission. Another kind of book appropriate for review will be of interest to Anthroposophists due to its timely and relevant subject (such as Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a WWII Fighter Pilot, by Bruce and Andrea Leininger, about their son, James Leininger).

The reviews submitted should not be critical, but should be written with a thoughtful, deeply questioning and sympathetic point of view, similar to Rudolf Steiner’s quotation about the work of Franz Brentano, above.

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Upon receipt, we will review your Review, and get back to you as soon as possible. In the spirit of Franz Brentano, thank you for your interest …

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